Tudo o que acontece na Mercosul

Mercosul Motores Elétricos, Represents as an exhibitor, the biggest success story of the entire Fair.

The first Electric Vehicle and Mobility Exhibition in the State of Rio Grande do Sul took place at the beginning of September, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, at the Parque da Festa da Uva Events Center, Eletric Move's main objective was to showcase the projects of regional companies, bringing news in the sector to the entire community, generating appreciation for projects by local companies.Mercosul was present as a sponsor and exhibitor of the event, with a 196m² stand, a milestone for the company, as it was the largest stand ever designed by the team, delivering value to the mobility market with the display of products that were internally electrified by the team. of Engineering, such as: Tractor, Golf Cart and even a Pallium. The products presented are fully operational in the company's internal processes.At the Mercosul stand we had several experiences designed so that the visitors' journey was full of novelty and knowledge, among them we had throughout the event the conversion of a canopy (year 97) from combustion, to electric, taught by Professor Roberto Saldo, with this action the Mercosul stand became the brightest star of the event, bringing satisfaction to the team and pride to visitors.During the fair we also launched our Electrification kit, the kit contains a battery, an inverter and an electric motor, values ​​varying depending on the power of your car and the application. Are you interested? Then get in touch with our experts; Phone: (54)3026 3515.Still on the actions that Mercosul promoted during the event, we cannot leave out the urban reforestation campaign, it was created in 2023 and aims to restore vegetation in areas that have been damaged by human activities, promoting the conservation of biodiversity and Contributing to the quality of life of the local population, Mercosul consciously distributed 1,000 yellow I Electric Move – 1st Electric Vehicle and Mobility Show in Rio Grande do Sul | Mercosul Motores Elétricos, Represents as an exhibitor, the biggest success story of the entire Fair. The first Electric Vehicle and Mobility Exhibition in the State of Rio Grande do Sul took place at the beginning of September, on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd, at the Parque da Festa da Uva Events Center, Eletric Move's main objective was to showcase the projects of regional companies, bringing news in the sector to the entire community, generating appreciation for projects by local companies.Mercosul was present as a sponsor and exhibitor of the event, with a 196m² stand, a milestone for the company, as it was the largest stand ever designed by the team, delivering value to the mobility market with the display of products that were internally electrified by the team. of Engineering, such as: Tractor, Golf Cart and even a Pallium. The products presented are fully operational in the company's internal processes.At the Mercosul stand we had several experiences designed so that the visitors' journey was full of novelty and knowledge, among them we had throughout the event the conversion of a canopy (year 97) from combustion, to electric, taught by Professor Roberto Saldo, with this action the Mercosul stand became the brightest star of the event, bringing satisfaction to the team and pride to visitors.During the fair we also launched our Electrification kit, the kit contains a battery, an inverter and an electric motor, values ​​varying depending on the power of your car and the application. Are you interested? Then get in touch with our experts; Phone: (54)3026 3515.Still on the actions that Mercosul promoted during the event, we cannot leave out the urban reforestation campaign, it was created in 2023 and aims to restore vegetation in areas that have been damaged by human activities, promoting the conservation of biodiversity and Contributing to the quality of life of the local population, Mercosul consciously distributed 1,000 yellow Ipê seedlings to visitors, supporters, sponsors and supporters of the event, together for reforestation, together for ecological balance.The Mercosul team had their hearts and eyes shining with the success of this fair, as a mark of our greatest objective was achieved, impacting people to transform the world together!pê seedlings to visitors, supporters, sponsors and supporters of the event, together for reforestation, together for ecological balance.The Mercosul team had their hearts and eyes shining with the success of this fair, as a mark of our greatest objective was achieved, impacting people to transform the world together!


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