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Partnership between Mercosul Motores Elétricos and Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS strengthens collaboration in research and developm

The partnership between industry and universities is fundamental for the advancement of research, development and innovation in various fields of knowledge. In this sense, Mercosul Motores Elétricos and the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) have established a solid collaboration, with mutual visits between the institutions, aiming at the development of new products and solutions for the automobile industry. Last month, the team from Mercosul Motores Elétricos visited the Department of Electrical Engineering at UFRGS, getting to know firsthand the infrastructure of the laboratories and the equipment available at the university.

The visit allowed for the exchange of knowledge and experiences with researchers and professors in the area of ​​electrical engineering, in addition to providing UFRGS researchers and professors with the opportunity to learn about the reality of the industry and guide future research and projects. Photo suggestion. Obs.: in the publication, do not use the image below, the original photo must be used to maintain the best quality. The same goes for photo number

On the other hand, on April 18, the Mercosur electric motor factory received a group of researchers from UFRGS and the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS). During this visit, the researchers had the chance to get to know the company's facilities, manufacturing processes and the test laboratory, which is essential for evaluating the performance and guaranteeing the efficiency of the engines produced.


Mercosul Motores Elétricos already has an Electromobility sector and, among its projects, is working on the development of electric machines for vehicle applications. This research project, approved by Fundep and included in the ROTA 2030 Program, aims to develop and validate innovative technologies for electric traction in vehicles. This includes electric machines, inverters and the creation of a test bench for the characterization and validation of electric propulsion systems. The partnership relies on the participation of three main entities: Mercosul Motores Elétricos, UFRGS, which has a research group with vast experience in the development of electric machines for electric traction, and the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), whose researchers have experience in the development of inverters and in advanced control techniques for electrical machines. The collaboration between the research groups will enable the joint definition of the technical requirements of the project, the sharing of simulation models, the collaborative construction and the performance of integrated tests of the developed components. The project has great potential for transferring technology to the automotive sector. In addition to the exchange of knowledge and experiences, the mission of renowned educational institutions adds to the mission, vision and values ​​of Mercosur. The company believes in and promotes projects and actions that make education a pillar for transforming society and the future. With the consolidation of the partnership, it is expected to further expand cooperation between the company and the universities, promoting joint research and development activities, internships and training programs for its employees and students from the institutions. The company intends to benefit from the scientific and technological knowledge generated in universities to improve its products, processes and services. At the same time, universities can use industry experience and resources to validate their research and make it more applicable to the real world. Combining these two sources of knowledge, the partnership will contribute to transforming ideas into concrete solutions, targeting marketable products with a high impact on the segments. Stay tuned for upcoming news and follow our website to stay on top of the latest news and partnerships.

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